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Its a….

4 Dec

Girl! That’s right, we have a beautiful, little girl growing. She’s active and happy (I like to think so at least). Everything looks perfect. Heart, lungs, brain…all perfect. Heartbeat is perfect. Feet and hands and nose and…yes. She’s 100% healthy and perfect. I cried through the whole ultrasound. Husband and the boy were able to be there with me. I kept peeking and it was so beautiful to have him see his little sister. He loves her so much already. We all do. Its crazy. She waved to us, sucked on her hands, danced, napped…put on quite the show 🙂 We tried to get some 3d/4d shots, but they aren’t the best at this stage. Of course there are pictures 🙂

baby girl says hi!She is waving hi. Look at those little fingers 🙂

3d babyAnd a 3d/4d (I forget which) shot. All curled up and snuggly 🙂

So there she is! I’ll figure out how to do the video, too. Eventually. For now, I’ve just been on a crazy high and its been awesome. I think we already have a name picked out, too. Shhhh! Hubs picked it out and even though we have a list, this one is the only one that “feels right”. You know? Other names are pretty, but just not right. We are currently debating middle names. Or possibly hearing a name that is even more perfect. But I doubt it. I’m pretty sure this is her name. Oh and we’re not telling until much later 😛 This way we don’t have to hear negative comments or have anyone try and change our minds! No thanks, peanut gallery!

Its been a year

27 Nov

And we’re pregnant again. We’ve known for a while now…in fact, I am 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

We’re technically in the safe zone. Second trimester! WHAT WHAAAAAT! I know things can still go wrong, but the fact of the matter is that as of yesterday we still have a beautiful, strong heartbeat and have had one since 12 weeks. Friday, oh glorious Friday…we can see the little bugger and potentially even find out if it is a boy or a girl.

Oh and we call the baby Speck. When we found out, we told the boy pretty early on because I was so ridiculously sick and we didn’t want him thinking I was dying. He asked how big baby was and we explained about as big as a seed…a speck really. And well, Speck stuck. It grows on you 🙂

So, Speck is great. I have gained a whopping -1lb. I have been sick pretty consistently. I found a magical remedy that simultaneously allows me to sleep AND not vomit all day, so at least I can eat now. Same as with the Peanut, I had to skip into maternity wear pretty early. Unfortunately, I’ve gained another bra size (sad trombone). All in all, normal (albiet) annoying pregnancy symptoms. And they are wonderful. I still get paranoid that things will go wrong, but you know what….all I can do is just keep staying positive. Eat and exercise and just be thankful that so far, everything is healthy.

We’re moved into our new house and have a room that will become a nursery. So beyond thrilled to actually set it up. We’re still unpacking, slowly but surely.

Things are good. Really, really good 🙂

I’ve been slacking

4 Oct

I know I haven’t posted in (what seems like) forever. To be honest, I was worried that I would jinx something. I’m currently on bedrest. Last week there was bleeding and I had to go to the hospital. A sonogram showed that Peanut was still there, but the heart rate was a little slow. I’ve been taking the last week to kind of not think about anything negative and just take it easy as much as possible.

Yesterday I had a prenatal appointment with my midwife and she says I’ve got another week of rest, just to be sure everything is good. Its for the best though, I just keep telling myself that I have to keep Peanut healthy. I’m not even allowed to walk around the grocery store unless I get one of those scooter things. No lifting (even the laundry…which really needs to get done).

She also said everything looks really good. Although, she is questioning if I’m as far along as we thought. I had bloodwork done and we’re going to have another sonogram next week to check the date. The hospital never measured Peanut to double check the date, so we might be off.

Either way, I’m just trying to stay super positive and hope for the best.

Ultrasound power!

15 Sep

The midwife doesn’t want to do any ultrasounds until 20 weeks. I’m pretty stubborn, so I went off on my own to get another ultrasound because, frankly, I’m a paranoid twit. With all of my pre-conception health issues I was pretty terrified of an ectopic pregnancy or something else horrible. I’ve also had a false positive pee test before, so you could understand the panic of my brain/hormones possibly tricking me. I hope.

I found a lovely 3/d ultrasound center that also does regular 2/d ultrasounds. They also had a special price, so off I went. Frivolous? Maybe…but I needed that peace of mind. A bottle of water, and some stomach goop later and we have…PEANUT! That’s right. My Peanut is snug and secure, in the right spot all healthy 🙂 We have placenta and amniotic fluid and a lovely little flutter of heartbeat! The doctor had a hard time recording the heartbeat and felt bad about it, so she offered to have me come back and repeat the ultrasound…FOR FREE. Why yes, thank you, I will look at my lovely little blob again at no charge 🙂 They were really sweet and I still got a little picture of the Peanut and a recording of the session. Hopefully in 2 weeks we can get a little better picture of the blob that is Baby.

Then I can be happy until its time to find out the gender. I think.