Its been a year

27 Nov

And we’re pregnant again. We’ve known for a while now…in fact, I am 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

We’re technically in the safe zone. Second trimester! WHAT WHAAAAAT! I know things can still go wrong, but the fact of the matter is that as of yesterday we still have a beautiful, strong heartbeat and have had one since 12 weeks. Friday, oh glorious Friday…we can see the little bugger and potentially even find out if it is a boy or a girl.

Oh and we call the baby Speck. When we found out, we told the boy pretty early on because I was so ridiculously sick and we didn’t want him thinking I was dying. He asked how big baby was and we explained about as big as a seed…a speck really. And well, Speck stuck. It grows on you 🙂

So, Speck is great. I have gained a whopping -1lb. I have been sick pretty consistently. I found a magical remedy that simultaneously allows me to sleep AND not vomit all day, so at least I can eat now. Same as with the Peanut, I had to skip into maternity wear pretty early. Unfortunately, I’ve gained another bra size (sad trombone). All in all, normal (albiet) annoying pregnancy symptoms. And they are wonderful. I still get paranoid that things will go wrong, but you know what….all I can do is just keep staying positive. Eat and exercise and just be thankful that so far, everything is healthy.

We’re moved into our new house and have a room that will become a nursery. So beyond thrilled to actually set it up. We’re still unpacking, slowly but surely.

Things are good. Really, really good 🙂

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