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Pizza pizza

27 Oct

Sometimes you just need to sit back, relax, and eat a pizza the size of your trunk. This is a dose of realness. As much as I try to feed my family healthy food, we will totally dig into this cheesy goodness (all except for the wee babe, she gets some vegan deliciousness due to allergies). The best thing about gigantic pizza? Husband could indulge in it all week for lunch.

Here’s some visual proof that this beast of a pizza exists. That’s the back of my Prius. Epic. Simply epic.


I totally realize that this post has no substance whatsoever. I’m ok with that if you are ๐Ÿ™‚

The Magical Land of Aldi!

24 Oct

How many times have you heard (or even said), “We try to eat organic, but it is so expensive?” Let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that at least some of that can be answered by shopping at your local Aldi!

I don’t know about everyone else, butย I feel like Aldi markets have a bad rap. The German based company is well known for super low prices and is often met with skepticism. Well, I’m here to kick that skepticism in the butt (at least a little bit). I recently had an Aldi store open nearby and was so pleasantly surprised by their variety and prices. They also carry some “all natural” products, of course, people’s comfort level varies withย that particular label, but they are a great value while still eliminating some questionable ingredients. Seeing is believing, so I went through the store like a crazy person a few weeks ago and snapped pictures all over with my phone. Ready? Set? Go!

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Moment of weakness

30 Jan

Food allergies have really got me down.

I restrict my diet to baby E’s allergies because I’m nursing. Even though she hasn’t reacted to everything via breastmilk, it isn’t worth cross contaminating her food or me touching something and then touching or kissing her. I just don’t want to risk it.

There comes a point where you just feel defeated. I have tried to stay so positive. I think I’m doing a pretty good job, but here is my moment of weakness. I’m just so afraid! She reacted to dairy and peanuts from birth via breastmilk. We delayed solids and practiced baby led weaning to possibly help. She didn’t eat food until I was sure she really wanted it. Things went ok. Then she had a reaction. Then another. Then another.

Our current list? Egg, dairy, oat, soy, peanut, legumes (including green beans), watermelon. Possibly rye, corn, and squash.

She wants to eat. She really does. I’m just scared to feed her most things. There is nothing more terrifying then having your infant crying in pain as she scratches her patches of hives. My place setting includes an epi pen.

But you know what, its what has to be done. We will get through this. She will be a healthy, vibrant little girl and we will keep her safe.

Food allergies and more

19 Jan

Life is pretty good.

My PPD has waned and I’m feeling pretty awesome. The Husband has a “real” job now and man…that is nice. Helloooooooo health insurance. My big kid was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder (SPD) and anxiety, which is a relief. A doctor took note of some quirks and its nothing a little occupational therapy and physical therapy can’t help. We’ve found some really great tricks for managing the times when he becomes too overwhelmed and life has improved exponentially for him.

The baby is fantastic. Somehow she is 7 and a half months. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Army crawling just before 6 months, she started crawling 2 days after she hit 7 months. I don’t even know what this kid is doing. She stands up and walks along the edge of the couch. She is exhausting.

She is also an allergy kid. Since birth we have suspected food allergies because of her reactions to milk and peanuts through breastmilk, so I have abstained. Well, since starting solids she has had a few reactions. I took her to an allergist and her skin testing turned up positive for egg white, egg yolk, peanut, milk and casein, dogs. We got a blood draw to confirm the positives and we’ll have an action plan by the end of the week. In addition, she has reacted to watermelon and green beans. Its rough. She wants to eat, but we have to be so careful about ingredients and cross contamination. Since she eats anything I eat (via breastmilk), I have to adjust my diet as if I also had the allergies. It certainly makes things difficult when dining out. Whatever I can do to keep her safe though. Seeing your infant panic through an uncomfortable reaction is no fun and I’m just thankful we haven’t had any anaphylaxis.

That being said, I am ridiculously excited to plan a little birthday getaway for myself. Disney is phenomenal with food allergies and I’m so looking forward to a giant bathtub, chilled wine, and being served amazing meals that are safe to eat.

Livin’ the life, let me tell you ๐Ÿ™‚

Today is my due date

2 Jun

Baby has one hour and fifteen minutes to make her appearance.

Just kidding. She can come whenever ๐Ÿ™‚ Guess dates for everyone!

In the meantime, I am eating all the food in sight. What does a pregnant woman eat at 10pm?

1 tuna salad (lots of celery and bell pepper) sandwich on whole wheat

1c cherry tomatoes

1c cherries

1c cottage cheese

Thats a lot of food for a snack. It was delicious. Thanks for asking. I might eat some cauliflower in a little while. I suppose I can’t feel too guilty since most of what I ate is good for me, right? Still feel like a glutton though. Oh well. Baby is hungry ๐Ÿ™‚

Baby Watch 2013

30 May

Still nothing. In fact, my daily contractions have disappeared. Nice, huh? Here’s whats going on!

I started evening primrose oil (EPO) daily. Its supposed to help your cervix ripen. Hubs hates the term “ripe cervix” so I make sure to use it often. RIPEN MY CERVIX.

I’ve been walking nearly a mile every night. Walking supposedly helps. I’ve been doing it my whole pregnancy, but now I’m pushing to walk even more. Being fit and all that is good no matter what and god knows I am not up for going to the gym.

My midwife has suggested doing my “homework”. My son’s kindergarten teacher simply told me (much to my shock and awe) that I should “screw”. In other words, get baby out the same way we got her in. At this stage of the game…well…I’ll just let you all wonder whether or not I have attempted that method. After all, I’m a lady ๐Ÿ˜‰

Bouncing on an exercise ball. Opens up the pelvis. Lots of fun.

As for old wive’s tales…I’ve been eating spicy food and pineapple as much as I can tolerate. Apparently both of those send people into labor. So far all I’ve gotten is an acid burn in my mouth from eating a whole pineapple in one sitting. Some old native American woman told my mother during one of her pregnancies to contort herself all these different ways and do handstands or something. Not doing it, lied and told my mom I would. She’s crazy.

Anyone got any other suggestions???

Dinner! Prosciutto wraped chicken and ricotta gnocchi

30 May

I decided to not be lazy and actually cook tonight. I wish I had taken a picture, but alas, I didn’t. However, here are my super easy instructions for a dinner that sounds fancy! It is really simple and really tasty…even my 6 year old took a bite of chicken, rolled his eyes back and goes “OH YEAHHHHH”.


1lb chicken breast

1 package prosciutto (1/4lb if you get it at the deli counter)

olive oil

salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 375. Coat bottom of baking dish with olive oil. Season chicken on both sides with pepper and a TINY bit of salt. Wrap each piece of chicken with prosciutto. Bake until chicken gets nice and golden, 20-30 minutes in my oven.


3c flour

10 oz ricotta cheese

3tbs fresh basil, finely chopped

2 eggs

1/4c water

3tbs olive oil

1tsp salt

In a large bowl, add your flour. Make a well in the center and add your eggs, salt, ricotta, and olive oil. Begin to mix your dough (I like to use a fork to start). Slowly incorporate water and kneed until it resembles play-doh consistency (very fancy terms here). You may not need all of the water. If it is too runny, feel free to add a little bit more flour.

Let the dough rest while you fill a large pot of water! Turn on the burner (important step lol)

Separate your dough into four balls and begin rolling into fat “snakes” (good job for kids to do). Using a butter knife, cut the snakes into 1 inch segments.ย 

By this time, your water should be boiling. Drop your gnocchi into the water while stirring after each addition to prevent them from sticking. Boil 5-10 minutes or until the majority of the gnocchi begin to float to the surface. Drain. Serve with your favorite sauce!

Are there fancier preparations? Of course. Did I probably take shortcuts? Duh. But what it comes down to is that it was ridiculously tasty and the whole meal took me 30 minutes from start to finish. Dats some skill ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course if you want to add other seasonings or use dry herbs, go for it. I’m a firm believer in the “dump stuff in” method of cooking.ย 


19 May

Since 8pm I have done the following…

Made muffins. Two types. Chocolate-zucchini and apple-carrot.

Made 1lb of bacon. I ate two pieces and the rest is currently just hanging out on my stove. It will be lovely for BLTs tomorrow. Or cheeseburgers. Or…eating.

Did 2 loads of laundry. I might do more. Might.

Made tomorrow’s lunch for the child AND the husband.

Prepped veggie snacks for the week….sliced cucumbers, carrot sticks, orange wedges…all in individual containers for us to grab and munch. HEALTHY SNACKS!

And I’m currently debating making some gingerbread.

Someone stop me.

8 months and counting

15 Apr

We’re almost in the home stretch! Only 4 more weeks until I’m full-term and this chicklet can come any day. Its terrifying and exciting. Nesting has taken the form of squirrel-mode. Its like I’m hoarding food for the winter.

It doesn’t help that my new-favorite produce market has had ridiculously amazing deals. Last week I managed to snag nearly 50lbs of tomatoes, 18lbs of grapes, 20lbs apples for $22. Pickling cukes were cheap and as were other odds and ends, so naturally I got out my canning supplies!

5 quarts of marinara sauce (plus 3 half-quarts in freezer tubs)

3 quarts apple sauce (with some extra in the fridge)

6 pints salsa

5 pints dill pickles

Grapes will be frozen and made into jelly later today.

Oh yeah. Revel in that bounty. I’m feeling super lazy today, but I’m determined to finish it off. Considering baking a ton of breads and rolls this week for the freezer. I refuse to resort to questionable store-bought stuff after the baby pops out. Must maintain healthy and homemade! I realize that does sound ambitious, but at least I can do what I can. Obviously its not the worst thing if we have to buy some things at the store, but I have this ridiculous need to stock our pantry and freezer as much as possible.

Lets be real though. My big fear is having the husband go grocery shopping. Its bad enough he might have to do some of the cooking. I just want to make my life as easy as possible post-partum ๐Ÿ˜‰

Non-baby stuff

26 Mar

Ok so for some reason, caring about the food you eat means you’re some crazy hippy health nut. Not really. I’m a big fat fatty that loves food…I would just prefer to not eat random chemicals that have no nutritional value. That and *gasp* I actually like cooking and doing home-maker type stuff. I know, I know. Psycho stuff, right?

We garden. We compost. We buy local as much as possible. I’ve cut back our processed food consumption by…well…a lot. I serve homemade meals instead. I’ve even taken the extra step and have learned how to can. I’ve been using a water bath to seal my jars, but in hopes of preserving more of our home harvest (and taking advantage of farmer’s market deals), hubby ordered me a pressure canner today and I’M SO EXCITED. That’s what gets me all worked up, folks.

And you know, nothing feels quite as awesome as your kindergartener bragging to his classmates that he has a “mama jam” sandwich on homemade bread. The other kids were in awe…they didn’t even know you could make that. He puffed up his chest and told him that his mommy can and does. Oh yes. We have mama jam, mama sauce, mama bread, etc. He has tried to throw away store bought when he realizes that I’ve made some instead. That right there makes me feel like super woman.

Speaking of the kiddo…he was a picky kid. Operative word being was. Like most kids, he would turn his nose up at anything green or fell under the guise of vegetable. Now that he has been able to see his food grow from a seed, I think he has more appreciation for it. I’m still coping with the fact that he happily asks how many handfuls of spinach he can have or sings songs about having squash for dinner…while still eating breakfast.

I think I might need to start posting some of those things because really, it isn’t that hard. Find a good recipe or reliable instructions and you’re good to go. Its not really crazy time consuming, which is the most common complaint. “Oh, I wish I had time”. Its really not that bad. I made a batch of pickles tonight and it took a whopping 15 minutes. Minimal effort is the name of the game, folks. It is so worth it when you have a pantry and freezer full of tasty, chemical free foods for your family.