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Whiney whiney whiney

19 Apr

This is the third night of ridiculously uncomfortable sleeplessness.

33 weeks and….5 days pregnant. I have a whopping 4 weeks until I’m officially “full term”. Yeah about that?

I’m not sure whats going on in there, but someone might want to let this baby know that she needs to stay put. Wednesday I had contractions for a little over 2 hours. Not the dumb Braxton Hicks kind, but steady, timed contractions. They weren’t close enough together to cause concern, but it happened. I’ve had a few here and there since then, too. I’ve been nauseous and had no appetite since then. The pressure down below has gotten progressively worse. Sometimes its really intense, breathe through it kind of pressure. And naturally, with the discomfort and aches, I’m also having a hard time resting and getting sleep at night. Lets not forget the lovely appearance of the mucous plug.

Yes, I’m complaining. She’s not allowed out to play yet.

Third Trimester!

14 Mar

Ok, cue the final countdown music πŸ™‚ We’re officially in the third trimester and you know what? It blows. I guess it wasn’t enough that I had “morning” sickness until 20 weeks. Nahhh. We decided that I had enough of a break and started in with the nausea at just over 28 weeks. Super cool. No puking yet, but man do I feel disgusting.

I’m also not convinced I’m going to make it to 40 weeks. This little chick has made her way lower over the past week and is slowly dropping. My next prenatal is on Tuesday, so I’m curious if we can tell if she is head down. I know I still have another month or so until it really matters, but I’m curious! My bet is on May 25th.

Dear Unisom, I will never forsake you

20 Dec

Unisom is magic. Praise its wonders. Tomorrow I am 20 weeks (yay halfway point) and I am still dealing with nausea and vomiting. That is, of course, before I take my little friend Unisom. I wish more pregnant women knew of its powers. Yes, its a sleeping pill. However, it was initially developed for nausea. The sleep effects were just so great that they marketed it for that instead. Double duty! It keeps my sickness at bay. I try going without it every now and then to test the waters and sure enough, I’m draped over the toilet and revisiting meals. Yuck.

On a less disgusting note, Baby Girl finally let the Hubs feel her πŸ™‚ We’ve been trying for a few weeks now, but every time he would rest on my belly she would hide and go back to sleep. I bet she knew and was just teasing him. Last night though, she just pushed up against his hand and snuggled. He moved and she freaked out until he came back. D’awwwww.

Christmas is just 5 days away. Its scary. Lets not talk about it.

Getting a little better

18 Oct

Last week, husband was kind enough to tell all of the family about the miscarriage because I simply couldn’t say the words out loud. I stayed in bed like a zombie the rest of that day until he forced me out of bed for dinner the next day. I know I already posted, but over the weekend we did birthday stuff with the kiddo. Thank goodness I had anxiety pills. Apparently, every pregnant woman/mother of infants in the world decided to go out that day. I cried twice in Disney World, but luckily both times were when kiddo was going on rides with husband so no worries for him. I came home to find beautiful flowers from an absolutely amazing friend. Make that three times crying this time, but this time it was happy tears. I was just so touched…really. I know you’re reading, so thank you again πŸ™‚ We all appreciate it.

Husband wants to TTC (try to conceive) as soon as possible. I’m kind of terrified of possibly going through this again, but I really, really want another child. I think…I think once I get myself mentally and physically better then definitely. I mean, if I have clearance from the doctor, we aren’t going to prevent it, but I’m going to work on myself some more before we actively TTC. I’m mildly anxious about charting and journaling all that stuff, but I want to make sure I have everything as “right” as I can.Β In the meantime though, I’m kind of dreading my appointment on Thursday. I’m going to see an OB/GYN to see if I need a D&C. I’m crossing my fingers that I don’t, but realistically I think I will need to.

I’ve been trying to keep myself really busy (distracted). Cooking like crazy…Making lots of yummy food. I think I’ll get some cleaning done, too. I really need to do the tile in the bathrooms. Kiddo has open house on Thursday at school. So yes, hopefully back to a somewhat normal lifestyle. I’ll be ok. We’ll be ok.


9 Oct

Good news (I hope)! My symptoms that caused the bedrest have substantially decreased. I’m still a little worried that it is not for good reason, but staying positive. We’re having an ultrasound tomorrow to check on everything. Goodvibesgoodvibesgoodvibes.

Tomorrow is husband’s birthday. Yay! You survived another year πŸ˜› He’s getting quite old, after all.

Not too much to report, so I’ll fill you all in soon!

oh. hi blog!

10 Sep

So I started a blog. This is it. Congrats.

I’m all knocked up (again) and I’m pleased as punch that I am. But that doesn’t mean I’m not a miserable bum right now. Bitch bitch bitch all the time. Ready for it? Lets go.

I have nausea (gasp) and now I think I have a cold and that SUCKS because you basically can’t take anything for it. Like, soup and honey. I’ve also been mega gassy the past 2 days. OH! And I pee. Often. Its kind of lame because I’m pretty certain I didn’t have the constant peeing until much later on (ie-when I got fat) the first time around. I mean, I’m already fat-fat now, but when I talk about being fat, I mean like baby-fat roundness. File that one away. FYI I’m very much looking forward to getting fat. I hope it happens sooner rather then later. Actually, I’m only 7 weeks along and some clothes are already a smidge tight. Husband is like “OH, you’re making it up, its all in your head you crazywoman” and I’m like “Oh no its not.” I’m clearly right. I’ve lost 20 lbs since he got me all knocked up and I haven’t gained ANY weight since I found out. Which means old fat has shifted to make it all baby fat. SUCCESS.