Ultrasound power!

15 Sep

The midwife doesn’t want to do any ultrasounds until 20 weeks. I’m pretty stubborn, so I went off on my own to get another ultrasound because, frankly, I’m a paranoid twit. With all of my pre-conception health issues I was pretty terrified of an ectopic pregnancy or something else horrible. I’ve also had a false positive pee test before, so you could understand the panic of my brain/hormones possibly tricking me. I hope.

I found a lovely 3/d ultrasound center that also does regular 2/d ultrasounds. They also had a special price, so off I went. Frivolous? Maybe…but I needed that peace of mind. A bottle of water, and some stomach goop later and we have…PEANUT! That’s right. My Peanut is snug and secure, in the right spot all healthy 🙂 We have placenta and amniotic fluid and a lovely little flutter of heartbeat! The doctor had a hard time recording the heartbeat and felt bad about it, so she offered to have me come back and repeat the ultrasound…FOR FREE. Why yes, thank you, I will look at my lovely little blob again at no charge 🙂 They were really sweet and I still got a little picture of the Peanut and a recording of the session. Hopefully in 2 weeks we can get a little better picture of the blob that is Baby.

Then I can be happy until its time to find out the gender. I think.

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