Tag Archives: food allergy

Halloweenies: Part 1

31 Oct

Ah, October 31. The one day where it is acceptable to pretend you are something you aren’t, go door to door and harass strangers for treats. If you haven’t heard of it yet (helllooooo are you under a rock), consider having more than just candy tonight! The Teal Pumpkin Project is in full force and is a cause near and dear to our family. A teal pumpkin signifies your house has non-food treats for trick or treaters that suffer from food allergies. Stickers, pencils, vampire teeth, erasers…there are tons of options! Lets keep the fear on Halloween for make-believe monsters and not actual deadly experiences 🙂


If you are fresh out of pumpkins to paint, you can print out an awesome sign like mine HERE or if you are just offering non-candy treats, try THIS sign.

I’ve got Minnie Mouse and Harry Potter hanging out with me tonight. Part 2 will come after sundown, lets hope I can get some great pics!