Tag Archives: california

Big changes!

14 Jan

I have an incredibly legitimate reason for being absent! WE’RE MOVING! So long Florida, hellloooooooo California!

Hubs has accepted a killer job offer in San Francisco and we couldn’t be happier. I’m staying super positive and trying to not pull my hair out. He’s shipping off without me and the kids to start work and we’re tasked with getting the house packed up and ready to rent/sell. Deep breaths! I feel like singing, “We Shall Overcome”! Seriously though, it will be a trying month-ish, but I’m ready to take on the adventure of moving cross country to a hugely diverse, amazing city.

So! All you people snooping around, share your favorite San Francisco tips! We’re house hunting in east bay to give the kids a yard (something they’ve never had), but plan on exploring everything. I’ve got my fingers crossed for comments, don’t disappoint!