The School Year Cometh

23 Aug

Foreboding, right? In just a few short days the school year will officially begin for us. I’ve watched other parents kick off their years, the first day pictures, the new shoes, the initial teacher victories (and misses). Meanwhile, I’m alternating between filling water balloons and staring at my shiny new planner thinking, “I’m ready, right?”

I’ve always been home with the kids, but its nerve wracking to consider formally educating more than one. Now I have a middle schooler (how did this baby become a 6th grader so fast) and a kindergartener. I know deep down that I’m prepared. I’ve got a game plan, I’ve got the materials, I’ve got the support…yet something still feels missing.  I still feel like I’m forgetting something. I can’t screw up *that* badly, right?



So with that being said, I’m tying up loose ends this week. Confirming extracurriculars, finishing meal prep, finishing my big cleaning/organizing projects, and trying to stay sane. Oh yeah, and I start my semester the same day as the kids. I mean, why not add a full-time college load to the mix? Seems legit!

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