
29 Nov

Is the day I can see my baby. It will be our first and probably only ultrasound. I will be 17 weeks (we think) and should also be able to tell the gender as long as the babe doesn’t have his/her legs crossed.

You’d better cooperate, Speck!

Also, the baby has been crazy active all week. Tonight we did an experiment and the boy actually got to feel Speck kick. It was the most precious thing to see his face light up. Yup. Crying again as I type that out. He’s going to be such an awesome brother. Sappy sappy mom moment guys 🙂

Oh, and my husband is awesome because he went to the store around midnight on Tuesday and this totally happened:

Yup. You should probably be jealous. Or disgusted. Probably both. I was. Still am. It was worth it though.

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