Pizza pizza

27 Oct

Sometimes you just need to sit back, relax, and eat a pizza the size of your trunk. This is a dose of realness. As much as I try to feed my family healthy food, we will totally dig into this cheesy goodness (all except for the wee babe, she gets some vegan deliciousness due to allergies). The best thing about gigantic pizza? Husband could indulge in it all week for lunch.

Here’s some visual proof that this beast of a pizza exists. That’s the back of my Prius. Epic. Simply epic.


I totally realize that this post has no substance whatsoever. I’m ok with that if you are 🙂

The Magical Land of Aldi!

24 Oct

How many times have you heard (or even said), “We try to eat organic, but it is so expensive?” Let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that at least some of that can be answered by shopping at your local Aldi!

I don’t know about everyone else, but I feel like Aldi markets have a bad rap. The German based company is well known for super low prices and is often met with skepticism. Well, I’m here to kick that skepticism in the butt (at least a little bit). I recently had an Aldi store open nearby and was so pleasantly surprised by their variety and prices. They also carry some “all natural” products, of course, people’s comfort level varies with that particular label, but they are a great value while still eliminating some questionable ingredients. Seeing is believing, so I went through the store like a crazy person a few weeks ago and snapped pictures all over with my phone. Ready? Set? Go!

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(Not at all) Spooky (but rather very) Cute Halloween Bat Craft

6 Oct

We’ll be making these awesome bats this week! How fun!

Homeschool Gameschool

I’m always looking for inexpensive ways to deck the halls for the holidays. Today’s craft is courtesy of my mother, she brought over a bunch of paper towel tubes that we were supposed to use for a castle 😉


To make these cute little bats you’ll need:


cardboard tubes (tp size or paper towel tubes cut into halves or thirds)
poster paint
construction paper
googly eyes
white glue

First you want to paint the tubes the desired color.

While the paint is drying draw the outline of bat wings onto construction paper, we printed a template out from the internet, there are tons out there!

Cut the wings out and decorate as desired.

When the paint is dry attach the wings to the back of the bat with white glue.

Glue on some googly eyes and you’re done! Cuteness overload!


TIP: If you do like things on the spookier side…

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Kiwi Crate-September!

6 Oct

I have a minor love affair with subscription boxes. The idea of getting something fun in the mail every month excited my inner child like none other. Lets not forget that I actually *have* children that share the excitement of getting the mail. Kiwi Crate has sealed the deal with getting my business! Most boxes cater to the 5 and under crowd, so they already win by providing items for my big kid. It is a monthly box full of crafts! They provide all of the supplies needed and all kinds of extra goodies! Take a peek! Continue reading

Museum of Science and Industry-Tampa

30 Sep


This isn’t quite as word-heavy of a post. Deal with it! MOSI was a blast and I highly recommend going if you are in the Tampa area. Tons to do for every age and if you are a member of your local science center, you get free admission with your card! How cool is that? I love reciprocal memberships.


Why yes, that is a 3-D printed Tardis. We’re kind of nerdy like that. The kiddo really enjoyed seeing how 3-D printers work. They had a few of them running so the kids could watch it in real time. I’m pretty sure the kiddo and my husband are convinced we need one.


For me, one of the coolest parts was watching the kiddo build a robot! They had the LEGO Mindstorm kits out for the kids to

IMG_7093assemble. Afterwards they could hook it up to a computer and program it to perform several actions. It was really the coolest thing ever. You can buy them for home use, but they are a little up there in cost. LEGO Mindstorm is definitely on the wish list!

You may be wondering, how on Earth are you managing all of these fantastic things with the tiny one in tow? Because yes, she’s definitely a rambunctious toddler at this point. Well, let me tell you. BABY WEARING. Yes, strap that little bambino to your body and go at it. She’s perfectly content chilling back there and taking in the sights. Don’t believe me? Take a look at that grin. I wouldn’t lie to you 🙂


YAY MOSI! Now go! What are you waiting for?

Field Trip to the Florida Solar Energy Center

30 Sep


We had an a-maz-ing field trip to the Florida Solar Energy Research Center. They are a facility partnered with the University of Central Florida that is dedicated to…wait for it…solar energy research. I know, big surprise! Well, as it turns out, they offer a great program for children in traditional schools and homeschool. During their visit, the kids learned all about solar energy. How it is harvested, how it is used, and all sorts of amazing technology.


By far, the best part was getting to play around with the tech. They tested out a solar oven and did experiments with itty bitty solar panels.

If you’re interested in learning more about solar energy at home with your littles, check out their website HERE! If you’re local, check out their annual Energy Whiz Olympics.

We’re officially homeschoolers!

30 Sep

Yes, we’re now one of *those* families.

I was once like you. Sitting there on the couch, raising an eyebrow when the word homeschool popped up. That was until I stopped worrying about what everyone else thought and took a good look at our life. Was the Bug’s school really the best place for him? Not really. If not, what were my options? Public school, private school, homeschool, and each came with their own set of pros and cons.

Husband and I are educated people. Why could’t we play to our strengths and school him ourselves? Luckily enough, I have a good number of friends that homeschool and one in particular had some great conversations with me about it. One of the big sticking points was that with public school, a child goes a mile wide in topics, but only an inch deep in all of them. With homeschool, you have the option of going inch wide and a mile deep. No moving on when the child has more questions for the sake of getting through material for the big test. For my kiddo, that is huge. He loves research.

Either way, we made the leap and are pretty happy with it. I’m calling it our one year experiment. We’ll reevaluate at the end of this school year (sooner if need be) and go from there. Don’t worry he’s plenty socialized. Between field trips and play groups, he is definitely taken care of.

Sooooo yep. Now I can share all of our homeschool awesomeness!

Moment of weakness

30 Jan

Food allergies have really got me down.

I restrict my diet to baby E’s allergies because I’m nursing. Even though she hasn’t reacted to everything via breastmilk, it isn’t worth cross contaminating her food or me touching something and then touching or kissing her. I just don’t want to risk it.

There comes a point where you just feel defeated. I have tried to stay so positive. I think I’m doing a pretty good job, but here is my moment of weakness. I’m just so afraid! She reacted to dairy and peanuts from birth via breastmilk. We delayed solids and practiced baby led weaning to possibly help. She didn’t eat food until I was sure she really wanted it. Things went ok. Then she had a reaction. Then another. Then another.

Our current list? Egg, dairy, oat, soy, peanut, legumes (including green beans), watermelon. Possibly rye, corn, and squash.

She wants to eat. She really does. I’m just scared to feed her most things. There is nothing more terrifying then having your infant crying in pain as she scratches her patches of hives. My place setting includes an epi pen.

But you know what, its what has to be done. We will get through this. She will be a healthy, vibrant little girl and we will keep her safe.

Food allergies and more

19 Jan

Life is pretty good.

My PPD has waned and I’m feeling pretty awesome. The Husband has a “real” job now and man…that is nice. Helloooooooo health insurance. My big kid was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder (SPD) and anxiety, which is a relief. A doctor took note of some quirks and its nothing a little occupational therapy and physical therapy can’t help. We’ve found some really great tricks for managing the times when he becomes too overwhelmed and life has improved exponentially for him.

The baby is fantastic. Somehow she is 7 and a half months. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Army crawling just before 6 months, she started crawling 2 days after she hit 7 months. I don’t even know what this kid is doing. She stands up and walks along the edge of the couch. She is exhausting.

She is also an allergy kid. Since birth we have suspected food allergies because of her reactions to milk and peanuts through breastmilk, so I have abstained. Well, since starting solids she has had a few reactions. I took her to an allergist and her skin testing turned up positive for egg white, egg yolk, peanut, milk and casein, dogs. We got a blood draw to confirm the positives and we’ll have an action plan by the end of the week. In addition, she has reacted to watermelon and green beans. Its rough. She wants to eat, but we have to be so careful about ingredients and cross contamination. Since she eats anything I eat (via breastmilk), I have to adjust my diet as if I also had the allergies. It certainly makes things difficult when dining out. Whatever I can do to keep her safe though. Seeing your infant panic through an uncomfortable reaction is no fun and I’m just thankful we haven’t had any anaphylaxis.

That being said, I am ridiculously excited to plan a little birthday getaway for myself. Disney is phenomenal with food allergies and I’m so looking forward to a giant bathtub, chilled wine, and being served amazing meals that are safe to eat.

Livin’ the life, let me tell you 🙂

On a more positive note…

30 Oct

Take a look at that smile!


I seriously don’t know how she got to be such a big girl. Seems like just yesterday I was grunting on the edge of my bed and cursing the world 🙂

She’s pretty much the happiest baby in existence. Right now, she’s snuggled up next to me snoring away…she caught big brother’s cold so she won’t leave my side. Even through the snots and the coughing she is laughing and playing. My little miracle baby.