Tag Archives: cute

(Not at all) Spooky (but rather very) Cute Halloween Bat Craft

6 Oct

We’ll be making these awesome bats this week! How fun!

Homeschool Gameschool

I’m always looking for inexpensive ways to deck the halls for the holidays. Today’s craft is courtesy of my mother, she brought over a bunch of paper towel tubes that we were supposed to use for a castle 😉


To make these cute little bats you’ll need:


cardboard tubes (tp size or paper towel tubes cut into halves or thirds)
poster paint
construction paper
googly eyes
white glue

First you want to paint the tubes the desired color.

While the paint is drying draw the outline of bat wings onto construction paper, we printed a template out from the internet, there are tons out there!

Cut the wings out and decorate as desired.

When the paint is dry attach the wings to the back of the bat with white glue.

Glue on some googly eyes and you’re done! Cuteness overload!


TIP: If you do like things on the spookier side…

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On a more positive note…

30 Oct

Take a look at that smile!


I seriously don’t know how she got to be such a big girl. Seems like just yesterday I was grunting on the edge of my bed and cursing the world 🙂

She’s pretty much the happiest baby in existence. Right now, she’s snuggled up next to me snoring away…she caught big brother’s cold so she won’t leave my side. Even through the snots and the coughing she is laughing and playing. My little miracle baby.


10 Jun

Babymoon? Maybe. I don’t know or care what name people call it, but its bliss.

I’m so in love with this little girl and my family.